Recent downsizing and layoffs are making news across the country. Yet Allstate is in the midst of a hiring blitz, seeking new agents across the New England, with an emphasis on Connecticut.
The company goal is to find more than 40 new agents for Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Maine.
(Currently Allstate does not conduct business in Massachusetts.)
“The initiative began because even in the midst of an economic recession and in difficult times, there is still a definite need in the community for the products and services we provide,” said Brett Ludwig, Allstate Insurance Company regional corporate relations manager.
“People still buy and drive cars. They want to insure their lives, homes, property. In the midst of an economic downturn, we continue to grow our agency and local market presence across New England, and, in particular, Connecticut.”
He noted that the best way to grow marketshare is to add additional agents in the community that they serve.
“Auto insurance is one of those products where when you’re buying the claim service and a personal and business relationship. A healthy marketplace is where different companies compete for your business. That is good for the consumer to find good service at an affordable price.”
The Details
Allstate is looking for entrepreneurial-minded people who want to own their own business, along with current independent business owners, mid-level managers, even folks who work in the corporate environment that are looking for a change who want to be in charge of their own destiny.
“We also are looking for people that have recently been downsized and perhaps may have capital available in the form of a severance package. This is an opportunity to own a business with the full support and back up of a company like Allstate,” Ludwig noted.
Marketplace reality is that the number of people buying new cars has dropped. There is an intense competition for the business that is out there.
“Hiring and bringing new agents on board is going to help us in a challenging marketplace, it is an advantage. In reality, this economy will turn around, and once that happens we’ll be in a good position.”
Agents get an exclusive right to sell Allstate branded products and have local sales managers who are responsible for geographic territories.
“We are very deliberate about what locations would be best for our new agents and have a de-centralized sales support model for block-by-block intelligence and local knowledge.”
Community and commitment are important to the firm and should be to potential new agents.
In Connecticut, the Allstate Foundation is the charitable giving arm of the company.
Ludwig says the foundation works with the Connecticut Children’s Medical center and the Hartford Area Injury Free Coalition for safe teen driving seminars.
The company is active and supportive with continued raising awareness of topics such as teen safe driving.
“We are vested in the communities that we serve and like agents who are active in their communities. Those who volunteer for a non-profit charitable organization are also eligible to request a $500 grant for the organization in the agent’s name.”
For more information, contact Brett Ludwig at his regional office (610) 251-3480, or e-mail queries to him at