People with ideas and energy create and grow companies. That takes time, capital, energy and work to create value, potential hiring of employees and life as a community asset (and tax revenues).
New York Entrepreneur Week (NYEW) is a non-profit movement formed around a single belief: Entrepreneurs change the world.
NYEW is a week-long forum for entrepreneurs of all stripes to meet and talk and learn – from idea-stage innovators to hundred-million-dollar revenue generators.
More than 100 speakers from 40 cities, 15 states and three continents will be there during the five days. Tickets go on sale Feb. 22 for the April 12 through April 16 event, at the Scholastic Auditorium, 557 Broadway, New York, NY.
Topics include social media to leverage revenue sources; strategies to strike a healthy balance between business and relationships; creative approaches to sustainability and stability as well as how to develop, build and scale a breakthrough company with limited resources
Seasoned entrepreneurs and CEOs reveal how to diligence partners, suppliers and employees and how to attract the right talent and partnerships. Also, understanding how and where to find a complimentary partner; and hiring, managing, getting the most out of non-full-time employees.
There’s plenty more to learn about and networking too.
Gary Whitehill is founder of New York Entrepreneur Week.